Something can stop the Smooze.

On Tuesday we arrived home from vacation. Mike went to the board game design guild, and played someone else's game.

After Tuesday we have spent most of the week getting back into the swing of things. Mike has been working from home on Wednesdays, so he did that the day after getting back.

Friday we went to a play - The Grand Duke by Gilbert and Sullivan. We like all of their plays, and this one was no exception. The ending was totally ridiculous, but most of them are fairly so, it was expected.

Also on Friday Petra came over and played with us. She is coming over a few more times next week so that Scott can go to work even though Sheila is out of town right now.

On Saturday we had Scott and the kids over, and the kids played Titanic in the canoe. It was fun to talk to Scott, and the kids had a fun time playing together.

Timmy wanted to write this week that we played Smooze, which is that Mike is a giant evil sentient purple blob that is throwing balls of himself at people. They always win because even though he is unstoppable they can beat him anyway.

Sara wanted to add that grandma Julie is coming over this upcoming week. The kids are all really excited about it.

The reason why she is coming over is because Timmy's surgery to remove his extra thumb is on Wednesday.  We are expecting it to go well with no complications because the surgeon seems very confident, however we also have never done this before, so it is nice to have the support.


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