All God's Critters

Gideon is a year old today!

This week he has really started talking. He says very simple things, but he is actually communicating what he wants to now. Some of his favorite words are:

"See!", which he says while showing us something that he is holding. The correct response is "Yes, I see it." After that happens, 50% of the time he will try to put the item in his mouth, but the other 50% of the time he will say

"Throw!", and then throw it across the room. He is by far the best thrower that we have had in our family at this age.

He still signs some of the time, but he mostly likes talking. He regularly summons his siblings by saying "Rea!", and he likes to say "Hi" and "Bye" to people.

He also is still right on the cusp of walking. Any day he might decide that it is worth it and do it. He is not the type of baby to be bossed around, so we basically have to wait for him to be ready.

Timmy has been singing "All God's critters got a place in the choir" all week. He found a book at the library with the words to the song, and really loved it. It is cute to have him constantly singing it.

Rea and Alison both have been reading a series of young adult novels this week. Alison just found them for the first time, and is now reading them a lot, and Rea found out that they were fun, so she is reading them too.

Sara has been very helpful this week. She helps cooking, and also tries to help to keep giddy happy when he is being fussy.

Mike just found out that his card game is going to be published early next year. I will notify you all here when it happens.

Our family all got sick this week, and because of that, Alison stopped her new sleep schedule for a few days. She is now getting back to it. Mike has been fairly successful in his sleep schedule. He seems to be adjusting without much trouble.

Mike is also about to embark on training to become an online adjunct professor at BYU-Idaho. They sent him an email a few months ago, telling him that there was a shortage of online teachers, and he applied because it was always a dream of his to teach college courses when he retired. He has been provisionally accepted, and is now being given an assessment that will determine his online teacher skillz.

If he gets the job, it will be a part time job that he can do while he is awake in the middle of the night, so it was quite a tender mercy that this came up at the same time that he is starting a new sleep schedule.

Oh, and there was also Halloween this week. Rea was a witch, Sara was a Princess, and Timmy was a ladybug. Gideon didn't dress up, and the kids all got way more candy than they should have. We also had about all of our candy that we were supposed to give out left over. Apparently no trick or treaters will ever visit our house.
We made cookie dough out of the left over candy, and we estimate that we can bake cookies weekly from now until the end of the year and not run out.


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