The Hard-Working Worm

This weekend, Gideon finally took his next steps (apparently he took his first step several weeks ago but hadn't repeated it until now). On Saturday he was standing up and saw something he wanted and took three solid steps before sort of collapse-shuffling the rest of the way. That evening he took another two steps, and Sunday afternoon he took one solid step and then collapsed on the next one. We're all very excited; he may be walking a bit by Thanksgiving!

The bulk of Saturday we were participating in Extra Life, which is a charity event that Mike's work put on an instance of. It is to help the primary children's hospital. We raised over $1000 for the hospital. It was pretty fun. Mike liked best playing games with the kids. You can see some of the games we streamed here.

Alison has been re-adapting to polyphasic sleep after giving it up when everyone was sick a couple weeks ago. If you've been polyphasic for more than a few months, you're supposed to be able to sleep when you're sick and then go back to polyphasic without much trouble, but Alison is not there yet. This week has been exhausting again. She is spending lots of time scrubbing walls and doing other mindless motion tasks. She's excited to get past the worst of the tiredness next week.

Timmy has decided that he is a worm anytime he doesn't want to move; he flops down on his tummy and wiggles around, helping very slowly. Despite that, he's been very good about helping clean this week; some nights he even outpaces his big sisters!

Rea decided to focus on playing the piano for the next few months; she wants to play some songs for all her relatives around Christmas time. We're using online piano lessons called Hoffman Academy right now, and it's going well.

Sara was practicing making faces on Sunday afternoon, and Alison and Miked joked that she needs acting lessons. She loves to dress up and be dramatic. We'll keep it in mind for when she's old enough.

We're all getting very excited about Thanksgiving. We need to pack this week and get ready to go. We'll leave right after milking the goats Saturday morning and drive all day Saturday, then spend a week at the beach house until we drive back next Saturday. This time we've got goat milkers already, so the rest of the preparations are much less stressful. It will be really fun!

This week Mike has been editing rule documents for his games lot. He is sort of sick of it, but he needs to finish it before December, because the Ion Award deadline is on the first day of December, and Ion awaits for no man.


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