A short post for a long week

On Tuesday Rea had riding lessons again. She trotted a lot, and is getting stronger and better at riding. She still loves it.

We celebrated Sara's birthday on Thursday. We went to a puppet show at the library, and then had luch at a mcdonalds with a play place (she has been asking for this for months). Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Mike took us out for Dairy Queen, and we had fruit pizza, fruit pie, and then went swimming as a family. It was crazy busy, but Sara enjoyed it a lot.

Friday and Saturday we also went to Olivia's sealing, and her adoption party. We got a new babysitter for the sealing, which went well, and the kids were super excited about the party. Fun was had by all.

On Saturday, among other things we went to a neighbor's garage sale and found a new used microwave for $10. It is about the right size, and we have not had one for about a month, so it was totally worth it. We also picked some more chokecherries and a good amount of currants of various varieties, and made some shoes for Gideon since his toes stop him from fitting into normal shoes.

Sunday we found the first two beans on our bean bushes, They were devoured before Alison could get any.


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