Currant Events

This week the kids have been playing with the Marissa Dalyai a lot. The Dalyais are our best friends, and they are moving out of our neighborhood and closer to the library. We will miss being able to walk or bike over whenever we want, so we played with them almost every day this week.

Mike had Board Game Design Guild and Alison had League of Utah Writers this week, so it was busy. The kids took naps and cleaned up so that they got to watch movies both nights, so they were pretty happy.

During the week, the kids got a card from Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Mike with stickers and $20 to do something fun. On Thursday, we went to the grocery store and spent the money on supplies for an ice cream bar: ice cream, cones, chocolate coconut sauce, walnuts, sprinkles, whipped cream, and cherries. It was a very fun family activity. Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma!

Friday we sat around after dinner lamenting our lack of date planning. Alison checked the internet and found a free "Youth Performance Showcase" that some kids were putting on in about twenty minutes. So we ran around getting ready and went to the show. Sara was very disappointed because she thought it would be a play and it turned out to be a series of songs with a few lines connecting the themes. But everyone else enjoyed the singing and dancing. It was fun to get out for a date night, even if it did end up being a full-family date.

On Saturday we went back to the strawberry patch to pick the last few strawberries. We got more gooseberries (we have decided that they are actually black currants now - gooseberries are in the currant family, but they have thorns, whereas out bushes do not.) We also picked some Serviceberries, which turned out to not be very good.

We made a wildberry jam with all of the berries that we didn't eat, and the kids are loving it. It tastes mostly like strawberries, but the currants are noticeable too. We ended up making four pints.

Timmy has been wanting to buy fireworks every day this week, so finally on Saturday we went over to the firework stand and bought everyone a few fireworks. Mike got the Bestest Crackering Ballz, Alison and Sara went in together and got a pack of assorted fireworks, Rea got tanks, Timmy got a firework car, and Gideon got Pop-Its.

This weekend we also started making a goat milk gouda. They have never turned out good historically, but gouda is good, so we keep trying to make them. Here's to hoping. We will know in mid august.


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