Pectin Levels over Nine Thousand!

On Monday we went to Rea's last horseback riding lesson. She was able to post at a trot, stop, start, and turn the horse, and keep it on a rail. She enjoyed her lessons, and would like to have more. We have some martial arts classes lined up for the kids next, however we are considering doing more horseback riding lessons some time as well.

This week marked the first week of Mike's vacation from being a teacher. His last semester ended the last full week of July, and his next semester starts in the middle of September. He is really enjoying being a teacher.

Tuesday night we looked at a house for sale around the corner from us. We were thinking about going into real estate: the house has a rentable basement, so we could live upstairs and rent our current house and the basement. But we decided we didn't like the house nearly as much as our current house, so we'll stick with our old plans. We did love that the other house had fruit trees: plum, apricot, and mulberry. We decided to put fruit trees in our yard next spring.

Wednesday night was Rea's date night, and we made homemade ice cream. It was good.

Thursday night Mike went to BGDG. He played one of his own games. It went fairly well. It was fun.

Friday we left for a weekend camping trip with the Browns. We went to a canyon up in the mountains off the I-80 east of us. It was beautiful up there and we had a great time with our grandparents and cousins. The Strombergs and Plastows were there along with Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila and us. It was a wonderful trip.

Saturday we went a few miles from our campground to Rockport State Park and swam in the reservoir. We brought our canoe and Amy and Dave brought theirs, and the kids had a fabulous time canoeing and swimming. That night it poured rain, but the kids slept through it, so they must have been very tired.

Sunday was Mike's birthday, and before we left the campground we went berrypicking. We got tons of serviceberries and Mike is making jam right now. Mike discovered that serviceberries instantly gel when heated to release the juice, so next time we should crush and seed them without heating them. Hopefully we'll remember that next time. We didn't have Mike's special birthday meal yet, but we opened his presents. He got game components and the rulebook for a My Little Pony roleplaying game, which the kids are so excited to play with him.


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