Berry picking and the hedgehogs

Alison and the kids went outside a lot this week, and almost every day the kids got to play with the Dalyais. That made it one of the best weeks for the kids. It's nice to have good homeschooling friends. It also gave Alison time to work on rewriting the science curriculum she loves into a more usable form.

Alison has also been working about two hours every night this week (one time she had 5 back to back English classes). She made almost $200 last week, which is pretty good considering all that she does is teach on the computer from 5:00 - 7:00 (before the kids get up).

On Tuesday Mike went to his design guild meeting, and presented his witch hunt game. He made a 9 card version of it, which was very well received. Mike also got back a rejection from a publisher for "The Citadel of Madness" this week, so he is going to shop it around a bit more, as he thinks that it is a great game.

While he was at the BGDG, Alison and the kids went to their martial arts class. It happens every day, and they can go as often as they want, so since Mike was gone, it seemed like a good time to go. They are still liking the class, and it teaches respect and obedience, so it seems like a good thing for them to study.

Wednesday Mike finally got the parts for his phone, and he fixed it in the evening. It is now working again, so he is no longer without a phone.

Wednesday Rea also had her date night, which ended up being chocolate fondue and reading Bartimaeus.

On Thursday we decided to go on a mushroom hunt in the evening. We walked around dimple dell, and picked some wild black cherries, and noticed that there was a whole bunch of poison ivy all over the place.

Sara also saw a huge weird mushroom. It was much larger than a basketball, and when Mike looked at it, he said "this has to be related to a lion's mane". He picked a few pieces of it, and we also noted the location of some black currants before we went back home.

On Friday we had the little Dalyai girls over for a lateover, and in the evening Alison and Mike played a new board game called Uchronia for our date. We had never played before, and we got a few of the rules wrong, but we had a fun time anyway, and we will probably play again before too long so that we can cement the rules correctly in our minds.

Saturday morning we went shopping (to the DI, and to the Kuahara farmers market again). We also  went on a mushroom hunt, since Mike had identified the huge weird mushroom as a western coral hedgehog mushroom (which is edible). We ended up picking two coral hedgehogs (the one we saw earlier, and one that was inside the log), and then we used the berry picking pail that grandma Sheila gave us to pick more than three quarts of black currants. We also found some wild plums, and picked more black cherries as well.

The kids discovered a great place to play with a little river, and a shallow water place while we were picking berries, so they had a great time.

When we got home, we ended up with about 3 lbs of edible mushrooms. Mike fried them, we made a a mushroom pizza, and a ham and pineapple pizza as well. We also made a currant pie for dessert.

Rea also found that one of our watermelon plants has set fruit. She is super excited about it, so hopefully it grows well.


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