That Infernal Nonsense

On Monday Mike was home for Labor Day. We had a bit of a barbecue, played some "Space Game" (which is a board game that Mike is making that the kids really like), and also bought a lot of food at the Macies case lot sale. The kids wanted to have a parade, so we all rode bikes around in the road with streamers attached (and thus we had a parade.)

For our date night Alison and I had our 9th anniversary date (a week early because the play was closing this weekend). We went to the OBT to see "that infernal nonsense Pinafore" while the kids all stayed home with a new baby sitter, who they impressed by teaching about the many edible weeds in our yard. It also turned out to be Salt Lake Comic Con, so we walked around before the play and saw cool costumes.

The kids went to a board breaking class at their martial arts school. We didn't realize that this week was board breaking, so Timmy just had to sit and watch. Boards cost $5, which is supposed to be earned by the student. But someone gave Rea $5 so that she could break two boards, one with a downward hammer punch and the other with a knee. It was pretty cool to watch, and Timmy really wants to break a board next time. Sara slept through class.

Mike went to BGDG, and played someone else's game. It was pretty fun, but nothing groundbreakingly new.

Friday was the first day of our new nature co-op, OAK Connect. Our Tuesday afternoon nature group (which is continuing) is OAK, and now Fridays we are going to one park, splitting into groups (the same groups every week), and spending all day immersed in nature learning. The girls are going to start nature journaling and doing sit spot practice. Alison is one of the leaders of the boys' group, which is just the littlest kids who play outside. The goal of the co-op is for it to be child-led, immersive learning, so the adults don't have to prepare stuff, just be ready to assist them in discovering nature. Alison is excited about the program and the kids really enjoyed the first day and can't wait for the next one.

Saturday an old friend who moved out of our ward years ago came over. He had taught a Financial Fitness course to us and some friends, and it was fun, even though we already knew most of the principles. Now the company has created a Beyond Financial Fitness course, so we started that. It is very informative and we're learning new things, which we enjoy. He wanted to interview us and see how we're doing with what we learned from his class. It was fun to talk to someone who understands our philosophy and thinks what we're doing with our money is awesome. Most people don't. :)

Saturday we also did a role playing session with the kids, and we had a fun time. They put out a fire in the cake's bakery, and then figured out that the fire was started by a grumpy rabbit named angel (and then hopefully stopped him from getting more matches in the future). For those who know My Little Pony, this will make sense.

On Sunday, Andy flew into Salt Lake for a work thing. We drove downtown and spent a couple of hours at Temple Square with him and Laurie. Alison had a great time talking, and the kids enjoyed the exhibits in the Visitor Centers.

Sunday evening, Rea made some very cool Acorn People. She used different shapes of acorns and stuck them together with sap and made them clothes out of leaves and a whole house. It was really neat.


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