Things from the past

Good grief! Apparently we are terrible at remembering to make blog posts.

We will now try to remember the last two weeks...

We gave up trying to hunt morels. They just don't seem to be out there this year.

We made more shoes for Gideon two weeks ago as well - that is a huge process.

Alison's mom came over two weeks ago, and they all went to gardner village and had a fairy party.

Also, we gathered ingredients for, and began construction on a "tree house"for the kids. It also rained a ton this last week, so construction has been slow.

We read and finished "the last unicorn". The kids really enjoyed it.

We ordered another bunch of parts from Haba in order to enter their kids game design contest. Timmy and Dad designed a game that we are considering entering into the contest. It is currently about stealing a magic lamp from a cave full of monsters.

On this last Friday we went to see Matilda, which was pretty fun, but was also one of those Dahl stories that are like modern fairy tales (where things happen that couldn't happen in adult books because they would be too horrible to consider).

It's sort of weird how children's books can get away with stuff like that.

Mike also has been helping his publisher get more cards ready to be printed. They are still part of "the Perfect Moment", but expansion stuff. If you haven't yet obtained a copy of this fine game, you can do so here. I expect that the expansion(s) will be sold some time soon, but will not be available on Kickstarter.

On Monday we had Dan come over for a barbecue and work on the tree house. The drill developed a dangerous short circuit early in the job, so we just cut some wood and played a board game instead. We discussed Dans plans for joining the navy, and the baby that Alison is about to have, and lots of topics that the kids brought up. It was a fun get-together.

We need to plan more get-togethers with family. We have been too lazy about that recently.

Finally, we are excited to see grandma Sheila and grandpa Mike in the near future!


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