A belated post due to driving on Sunday

On New Year's Eve, we had a one-shot role-playing game day. Sal and Caitlin came, and we played Lasers and Feelings. It was very fun. We were a group of spacefarers, an Android, a diplomat, an engineer, and a pilot, trying to stop the bad guy from building a machine to destroy the universe. We planned to blow his machine up in multiple ways (in case one failed) and then discovered that his machine was on a holy site where the natives were gathered for a ceremony. So we tried to undo those things to keep from blowing up the natives but still stop him. It was ridiculous and we all laughed a lot. That's the best sort of one-shot roleplaying game.

We continued working on Organized Simplicity this week. We did the shed, the bathroom, and the hall closets this week. All that is left is the spare room. Every time we do this, we find that we do have enough space in our small house after all.

Mike went to Board Game Design Guild on Thursday. That was valuable. He's getting excited to work on board games again.

We went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa. It was very cold, but the kids loved it.

Rea and Sara left New Year's Day for Disneyland with Grandma and Grandpa. They have sent us pictures showing what a great time they're having.

While they were gone, we played lots of Legos and went on walks. In the evenings, we watched movies most nights. We watched The Secret World of Arrietty and Project A. It was a fun week.


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