Disney and Hot-tubbing

Last Sunday evening late at night we arrived at Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig's house, and we arrived home this Saturday night, so we spent almost a full week there.

Mike was doing an ordinary workweek from their house so this didn't count as a vacation for us. Rea wants me to add that it still counted as vacation for Alison and for the kids.

Rea and Sara had also just got home from a trip to Disneyland with Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig, so a lot of this post will be about Disneyland. Also, Rea is the only kid interested in blogging today, so most of this will be from her point of view.

Rea's favorite picture from Disneyland

Rea's favorite thing to do in Disneyland was walking with her grandparents. She also liked going on the rides. Her least favorite thing was her feet hurting after she walks so much every day.

Rea's favorite foods from there were broccoli cheese soup in a bread bowl that she had at one of the restaurants and also pineapple ice cream at the tiki tiki room.

While we were at Grandma's house, we all loved going to the hot tub every day, and all the kids loved eating waffles and Nutella and fruit every day.

This semester Mike was asked to teach three classes for BYU-Idaho which is more than he has ever taught in the past so he'll be making more teaching money than ever. Here's to hoping that it doesn't take too much time :).

One interesting thing about this new development is that if he were to continue teaching three classes every semester, he would be able to nearly quit his day job and just be a teacher.

On the way home from the Poulson's we listened to the next "Incorrigible Children" book. It has been very fun and everyone enjoyed it a lot (except for Gideon, who did not enjoy it at all).

We have been trying to get a trip set up to go to Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila's house, however, we haven't been able to schedule it with them yet. Hopefully, we can schedule one with them very soon for when the snow is over.

Rea and Sarah went to their new classes for the year for the first time on Sunday. Rea is excited to have a new teacher even though she likes her old teacher as well.

Rea wants me to add the following information:

Rides that Rea enjoyed going on when she went to Disneyland: splash mountain, big thunder mountain, grizzly river rapids, cars, Peter Pan, Alice and wonderland, Casey jr, storybook land, Snow White, Tom Sawyer's island, the canoes, Columbia, raft, pirates of the Caribbean, the tiki tiki room, soaring around the world, carousel, Winnie the Pooh, Mr. Toad, submarine, the monorail, treehouse, it's a small world, the little mermaid, monsters inc, and Indiana Jones.


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