Lessls and The Sore-Throat-Week

Our garden is growing nicely this year, even if we haven't seen a single cucurbit sprout yet. The beans, lettuce, and peas are all growing quickly, and various other plants are doing well too. 

We went on two more morel hunts this week, but we only found three more morels so far. It did rain a bit on Wednesday, but not enough to produce that many morels apparently. All of the other mushroom hunters that we have found in the dell have reported that it was a bad year for them as well, so the Utah morel crop of 2020 might be a decidedly meager one.

While going out mushroom hunting, we must have run into a little bit of poison ivy, because Mike got a bit of it behind his knee (it was only one spot, but even one spot is annoying.) To a lesser extent Rea and Sara got it as well (though their rashes were smaller - single blisters mostly. 

There has also been a sickness that has gone through our family - It doesn't seem like covid - it mostly manifests as a sore throat, and lasts only a couple days, however Timmy has been sick for half a week, and has gotten a fever, so it seems like this one has Timmy's number.

On Saturday we went to a park near the Dalyia's house and got two mulberry seedlings that were growing off on the edge of the park under a giant mulberry tree. One of the serviceberry bushes that we planted died, and there was one more spot that we intended to plant, so these filled those spots nicely. We have one currant that isn't doing too hot, but we want a cherry and an apple tree, so once we figure out where to get those we will plant them and have a full plant guild in our fruit forest, with strawberries and mint for our underfloor, currants, gooseberries and raspberries for our middle layer, and serviceberries, plums, apples, cherries, and mullberries for our top layer.

If it isn't obvious by now, Mike has finally given up on moving out of Utah - we are probably going to be here for at least a decade more, so we might as well make the most of it.

Since the Utah state regulations are now enabling people to start getting back together again, we are going to have the Dalyia boy cleaning out the crawlspace in preparation for us installing radiant heating. Hopefully he is fast and good at cleaning it all out so that we can install the heating stuff soon.


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