Even with Nougat

The government of Utah seems to be schizophrenic: they told us that we were going to be no longer in level 1 isolation but when they changed it to level 2 isolation ,the description sounds pretty much exactly the same as level 1, so basically they have no idea what they're talking about.

Alison devoted this week to the launch of her new business, Power Emotions Parenting. She did a free week-long online class and invited a few of the most active participants to join her for free in the Power Emotions Parenting coaching program that she wants to sell later. This way she can actually do it once and know that it works :). If anyone would like to participate, let her know! She only wants people who are willing to do the work and participate for eight weeks (for that "know it works" goal), but if you can commit, she'd be happy to give you a place in the program.

Alison had to spend less time on the business this week than the week before (when she was getting ready for the launch), but she still had a hard time concentrating on homeschooling. She very carefully arranged the day so that she had the same number of hours to devote to school, but she neglected to take into account the fact that she didn't have the mental energy to perform at peak level at both homeschooling and business in the same day. She told herself that very few kids nationwide are getting the best level of schooling right now and used a lot of screens. It got better midway through the week, though, so our kids' education is back on track.

One school thing we did do was to listen to an audiobook of Mossflower and discuss the Redwall series. The kids acted out different animals and developed their own recipe for Great Hall Cake, which we feasted on.

We managed to burn all of the uprooted Trees of Heaven before the grass got dry in the heat. We roasted marshmallows and made s'mores over the fire one day. We've had a lot of desserts this week.

Mike and the boys went foraging for dandelions and lilacs. We are making lilac jelly and tried tempura-fried dandelions; they weren't very good. Hopefully the lilac jelly turns out better.

The girls didn't go foraging because they rode their bikes away from home and disappeared. We found out that they'd been playing with the neighbor kids; they assured us that they stayed 6 feet apart the whole time. We told them to come back and tell us instead of just stopping their bike ride and staying next time.

Mike walked 68 miles on his mini-elliptical at his work desk this week. Working from home is great!

He has also been playing the new game that he is developing a lot recently. It is a legacy game, so each game impacts future games as you are playing it. He hasn't yet completed the entire campaign, but he is having a lot of fun struggling through it.

He made it intentionally hard, so getting the goals accomplished is difficult. Hopefully the publisher will like it as much as Mike does.


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