Apple core/Baltimore

On Saturday we went out in the morning to dimple dell to pick currants. There were four different varieties of currents that we we were able to pick: the first was golden currants the second was wild currants the third was red currants and the last was jellyfish currents (which were named by the kids, and were a colorless variety of red currants.)

This week for dinner Gideon really wanted to have corn on the cob, so we bought a bunch of corn on the cob and then after we ate it for dinner Gideon was very happy, and since we are currently planning meals for this upcoming week he planned corn on the cob again.

Giddy had a fun dream last night: his dream started with us in a tent. The tent was full of hammocks instead of sleeping bags. There was corn in the shower. And then we hiked in a cave. Finally, Gideon says that he popped out of his dream back into real life.

Rea has been writing a book over the last little while, and she is pleased to report that the book is nearly done.

Baby Elizabeth climbed up on a table this week, and she fell off, and gave herself a bloody lip. It is pretty lucky that she didn't hurt herself more. She currently has a fat lip, and is a bit more fussy than normal.

This week we invited over an architect/general contractor to look at out house and land, and to draw up some plans for an addition to the house. We showed him our drawings, and talked with him about the things that we needed and wanted in the addition. We are all really excited about the possibility of adding on to the house.

Multiple nights this week Mike was called on to do service in the ward. Since he has much more time at home than he used to, this is not that big a deal. He enjoys being able to be helpful.

One day this week, it was raining, so mike dug up a few raspberry plants that were growing on the edge of a parking lot and transplanted them to our garden. Hopefully they survive.

Amy also just told us about a house that is for sale right next door to her house, which sounds pretty interesting. We are planning on coming over to check it out some time - perhaps we won't even have to put in the effort to get the house remodeled.

Timmy would be super excited about moving next to the Plastows, and no-one in the family is against it, so we are going to check the place out.

Finally, Elizabeth is sleeping poorly right now because she is cutting a molar. Here's to hoping that she finishes it soon!


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