
What an exciting week!

To kick it off, we were at Dimple Dell and discussing how, if we have to move to get a second bathroom, a house near Dimple Dell would be nice. So while the baby was nursing and everyone else was playing, Alison looked at houses on her phone. And she totally found her dream house! It has a xeriscaped front yard, mature fruit trees and grapes in the solidly fenced backyard, beautiful huge windows in the living room, a large kitchen/dining room, a second living room, three bedrooms, bathrooms, and a half-aboveground (so natural light) basement. We drove by it and everyone was excited; even Rea, who has flatly refused to move, said that she would move there.

As soon as we got home, we contacted the realtor, only to find that it was already under contract. That was really disappointing! But after a day, we started thinking about using the house as inspiration to add on to our house. We've started to draw up plans to make a huge lighted front room with a basement underneath, and also add on a master bathroom and a half bath off the new front room. The current front room would become the dining room. We are getting pretty excited about the plans and have set an appointment to talk to a contractor. The house was way more than we were planning to pay to move, so if we consider that we were willing to pay that much for our perfect house, we have a lot of leeway to spend on the addition.

This week Alison had her second launch of her teaching program. She has over 200 people in her group now. It went really well this time and people seem to be a very much enjoying it. It's a lot of work, so the kids got a lot of screen time this week, but she does like teaching her emotional intelligence skills. She says she can see a lot of progress she's made since her first launch, and she's gotten a lot more confident about what her full program offers and how much it's worth.

Michael is also getting ready for his master's program which is going to start in a few weeks.

The white mulberry cuttings that we had planted in water have just barely sprouted a few tiny little leaves, so it looks like they survived the cutting process. We are pretty excited about this because the white mulberry tree that we cut them from provided pretty good mulberries.

Grandpa Craig and Grandma Julie, and Becky, Ellie, Aelfric, and Victoria, came over on Saturday and we spent most of the day at the pool park playing in the water and also harvesting currants and black cherries. It was pretty awesome.

This week Sara celebrated her eighth birthday. For her birthday she got a lot of presents: she got an American girl doll, she also got some makeup to put on and nail polish, she got a mermaid outfit for the doll, and also got a basket that Rea made for her.

For her birthday dinner she had sushi and tempura, and for dessert she had ice cream with chocolate syrup and maraschino cherries on colorful cones.

Sara will be being baptized next Saturday (August 1st); however,  only her grandparents and immediate family members were allowed to be invited to the church.  We will send out a zoom link so anyone who is not able to come will instead be able to view remotely if they so desire.

Timmy would like to talk about how we played Smash Brothers a lot and won a lot of games this week

We thought that we took a bunch of pictures this week, but we were mistaken. Here are a few of the ones we did take:


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