Concerning one Thursday

This last week was pretty eventful - especially Thursday.

The beginning of the week was pretty normal - killer hot, but otherwise not particularly remarkable.

On Thursday morning Alison's phone stopped working, and upon opening it up, Mike discovered that the battery was bulging. Apparently we accidentally bought the exploding kind of phone for her, but it was a dud.

Mike has lent her his phone, and with her sim card in his phone, we have tried to make things work out for the remainder of the week. We bought a new battery for the phone, but it will take a few days to get here, so until mid next week Mike will be without a phone.

Later on in the day when she took the kids to the Dalyias house, Alison noticed that a bunch of lights on the car dash had all started lighting up at the same time. She drove the car home, and told Mike about it.She determined that it might be the alternator through google, and Mike called the mechanic Friday morning to see if we could bring it in right away.

When we tried to drop it off, Mike took all the car keys, so he had to walk back home. It was sort of silly, but what can you do. At least he had an audiobook to listen to.

The mechanic was able to get it fixed up really quickly, so we had the car back by Friday night, which was great because Saturday was the morning where we had Sara's baptism, and we entertained all of the grandparents. We also met Becky's and Amy's family at the park as well.

The baptism went well - we all wore masks and we had a zoom meeting open so that everyone could teleconference into the meeting. It was very efficient because they had to kick us out quick because there were more people after us that had to be baptized.

When asked what we did this week that was noteworthy, Gideon told about a dream he had: "I had a dream of going to a park and hiking and playing on a teeter totter, and jumping really high. And then, another time we were at a volcano and in an airplane and then the volcano exploded and the airplane flied all the way to the park and then we were going to fall down but we walked away and then we got off and stayed there and then we went away."


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