We are not dead yet.

We have no excuses. We just failed to write blog posts for a while. Here are the things that have happened in the interim:

Mike's birthday was August 5th. He got a baker's lame (for his bread making hobby), a cutter for making card game cards, some video games to play with the kids, and another controller for the NES classic - so that we can play 2 player SNES games on it.

The architect that we are talking to responded to our emails with a quote, and now we know what approximately our add on will cost. We are now looking around at different options for houses in the area. We are limiting our hunting to a max of $450k, because if we sold our house and bought one at that price it would be about monetarily equivalent to the cost of the add on. We haven't found anything particularly worth it yet.

Mike sold his electric car. It was a nice car, but since he no longer goes anywhere, we don't really need it.

Mike also got a new calling (in addition to his current one). He is now the cleaning the church supervisor guy. It is a highly prestigious calling.

Mike also started grad school this month, and in addition to the relevant classes that he is taking he has also been enduring all of the weird trainings that non-church schools make you take. So far he know how much drugs and alcohol he is supposed to do in college, and also how to avoid rape. This is what you learn in grad school.

We have been picking large quantities of Blackberries recently. Mike estimates that we have gotten about three gallons so far. There are a lot more still there, so if anyone in Utah wants to pick with us we would happily accept more people to come with us.

We also went to a play one weekend - it was the Off Broadway Theatre's "Cutie and the Beast". They kept it social distanced, and it was pretty fun. 

Finally, Mike made a weird chip/fried cheese/re fried beans chimichanga, and it was so weird that he took a picture of it. 


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