This tree is on fire

 Last Monday was Martin Luther King Jr Day, so we watched the Disney movie Ruby Bridges for school (we still haven't gotten around to canceling our Disney+ account). It was very good, and Rea and Sara and Alison had some good discussions about it. In the afternoon, we met at a park with Amy and her kids, who had the day off school. It was really fun to get together and play; it got cold, so Amy's kids came over to our house for a while so that Amy could go home and keep working on her remodeling project. We all enjoyed it so much that we decided to drop our kids at Amy's house on Tuesday. Mike and Alison got some stuff done around the house with no kids, which was nice.

Wednesday we read more of The Devil You Know. We are getting close to the end of the first book; the author is only partway through the next book, so we haven't decided whether to start it now or wait until it's done (particularly so that parents can pre-read it and make sure it stays appropriate for kids). The Epilogue of the first volume is sad, so Alison is trying to decide where exactly to stop.

Thursday we made all the kids wash their hair, which is apparently enough of a production to warrant being the entire entry for the day. No one remembers anything else, anyway.

Friday morning Baby Elizabeth woke up with a head cold, so we couldn't go to our nature group. We let the kids bake a cake instead. That's not as good as Nature Group, but it was still good.

Saturday we moved our food storage out of our shed and over to Grandma and Grandpa's storage room, which they'd offered to let us use until we have a second shed. To our surprise, Grandma and Grandpa were there, and Mike ended up helping them move things for quite a while. We also cut up and burned the Christmas tree, which was very exciting (some children labelled it the best part of Christmas).

Today after church we had a zoom call with Alison's family and her Grandma Poulson. That was fun. The kids enjoyed telling everyone what they're doing right now. It also snowed today - only a little but we haven't had snow for months, so we were pretty excited. Sara and Rea built a snowman and a snow whale.


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