Like seven inches from the midday sun

 This week has been killer hot. There was only one day that it wasn't above 97, and the temperature right now is 106 degrees.

Mike has been working on his finals pretty much all day every day so that leaves Alison to do all the work around here. (Internet cookies for anyone who recognizes the quote; it's a favorite around our house.) She is working very hard and we are all excited for Mike to be done shortly. He wrote an essay on the ethics of reverse engineering (which Alison had fun editing for him) and then recorded a presentation about the topics in his essay. He and his team are still working on coding a kids' banking app. It's due the day after tomorrow, so it's almost done!

Alison has been catching up on all the to-dos from a over month ago, before everything was "get ready for Andy's visit" and "enjoy Andy's visit" and "recover from Andy's visit." (We absolutely adored having Andy's family here.) One of those things was Covid shots and boosters. Apparently the older kids were all eligible for boosters about the time the under-5 vaccine came out in June, so we did all those this week. According to the CDC, Mike and Alison aren't eligible for a second booster yet. Vaccines at Walgreens are not much fun, but we survived. The older kids had a pharmacist who was really, really skilled at giving shots, and they were all surprised at how little it hurt. Gideon screamed and ran and had to be pinned down for his, but the rest of them were good. Boo was excited to get hers right up until there was a needle heading for her arm, but she just hid her face and then was fine. They all got ice cream cones for being so brave. (OK, Gideon was questionable, but he'd just had a really bad experience with shots a month or two ago, so he got one too.)

We've been moving onto our siesta schedule, when we all take a nap in the heat of the afternoon and get to stay up an hour later when it's cool. It hasn't been so cool this week, even late, and Mike has to do homework, so we mostly stayed in a watched movies and stuff. It's always a little grumpy when changing sleep schedules; hopefully it settles down soon.

Timmy got a board game from the DI that he is so excited about. It's a version of Risk set in the future, and he and Logan made up their own rules for it and play it happily. Sara and Dustin and even Gideon play, too. Sometimes it all ends in tears, but he's still very excited about it.

The neighbors around the corner had a garage sale yesterday, and the kids were very excited to go and spend all their money on little toys. They got plastic bugs and ponies and slinkies and treasure chests and such things, and they were very happy about it.

Sara is SO excited for her birthday this week. She has all kinds of plans. It will be lots of fun!


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