Master of Char Siu Bao

 Last Monday we brought dinner to Grandma Sheila because she had foot surgery. We made chicken noodle soup with chicken bone broth. It ended up really good, so we are going to remember the recipe:

Add 10 chicken wings (bone in with skin) to a slow cooker and enough water to cover them slow cook until the meat is done. Pull out the wings and remove meat from them. Set aside meat in refrigerator. throw back the skin, fat and bones back into the water add five celery, an onion cut in half, two carrots, lots of garlic and then slow cook overnight.

The next day toss out everything but the broth. Re-add the meat and then add carrots, celery, egg noodles and salt to taste. Cook as long as it takes egg noodles to be done. Serves multiple people.

The first half of the week Mike was working on his final project for his Masters degree. He submitted it Wednesday and it has since been graded and he passed the class and earned his master's degree.

Last Thursday we cleaned the church. We did it then because we were going to go on a campout Friday. The kids were pretty helpful and they got an ice cream for their efforts.

Friday we went to the Spruces campground with the Plastows. We had a fun time hanging around with them and hiking up donut falls. The raspberries set fruit already, but they are not ripe yet. We are looking forward to picking them when they become ripe. It looks like it will be quite a good year.

We got back Sunday morning and went straight to church (after hurried showers).

Sunday after church we picked up Rocket from the Browns (they had watched him while we were gone camping). Mike had a good talk with his mom and dad, and the he came back home.

Tuesday we celebrated Rea having memorized all of the articles of faith, so we had chicken noodle soup again.

Thursday Alison and the kids went to the Poulsons in the morning and then we all went to the Browns for a barbecue and water balloon party. Mom was looking a bit better, but she still can't walk.

Friday the kids rebelled from going to wild flower park because they wanted to play with the Plastows instead, so they stayed home all day.

Friday night Timmy wanted to have char siu bao for dinner (the kids have a picture book about a boy who loves char siu bao, and the book has a recipe in the back.) Mike made them, but the recipe had some issues with it, so we ended up with about 12 times as much sweet roll dough than we needed, so after making 18 hamburger sized bao, we made 4 massive sweet baguettes. The char siu was very salty, so next time we will modify the recipe (if we make it again).

Saturday we finally finished organized simplicity by doing the shed and laundry room. It took all day long to do it, but by the end of the day both rooms looked very good.

Today was a pretty normal day other than the fact that Rea packed for girls camp. She leaves tomorrow, and is both nervous and excited. Amy is in charge, so we are pretty sure she will have a fine time.


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