A Goose, Ponies, and the Holy Hand-grenade

Last Sunday we had a game day with The Wilsons. We played the Goose of Grillner Grove, a rules light RPG where you try and dissuade a newcomer in your town from messing with a dangerous and troublemaking goose that has been terrorizing the place for 20 years. It was fun. We also played half a game of Mike's RPG and had a fun time with that too.

The kids played with the Waters family kids multiple times this week. We are really glad that they moved in right next to us since they seem to be really fun for our kids, and Alison and Mike also enjoy spending time together with the parents as well. One thing that Timmy wanted to add to the blog is that they have a chameleon, and that Timmy was able to get some of its skin and look at it in a microscope.

This week Gideon earned a goal-day party when he read through the half way point in one of his reading workbooks. He had us go to ride the ponies at thanksgiving point and then make pizza for dinner with fruit pizza for dessert. It was fun for the whole family (though Rea was too big to ride the ponies unfortunately).

The kids note that it was cold at nature group this week - we are starting to get into the beastly month of February, so if we can get through that we will have finished the worst part of the winter.

On Thursday Mike went to Board Gane Design Guild for the first time since 2020. He played someone's game and one of the people there still recognized him by name. It was fun, and perhaps he will start getting back into game design again.

On Friday night to Saturday morning the kids were invited over to sleep at the Poulson's house with the Rogers kids. They all had a fun time. Timmy was sad that they would miss out on video game time, but they ended up having it after they came home, so they didn't miss out on anything.

While the kids were gone Alison and Mike made bacon egg and cheese biscuits and had a smoothie for dinner and then watched Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail. It was a fun low-key date night.

On Sunday we had lunch at Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Mike's house. They asked everyone to bring video games over so we brought smash brothers and the kids played that while the dads played games and the moms talked. The food was good and everyone had a fun time.


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