Cheeses for Meeces

 We always do the Twelve Days of Christmas between Christmas and Twelfth Night (January 5th), so this week we've done a bunch of fun things:

  • Watched a whole bunch of 50+ year old Christmas movies (we're watching one every night; we've done claymation Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Muppet Christmas Carol, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas so far, and we'll be watching more this week)
  • Made gingerbread houses (Alison found a clearance kit to make a gingerbread village with 5 houses and bought it for $8; it was very much worth the money)
  • Made Christmas tree ornaments (led by Rea)
  • Made and decorated gingerbread men (actually all shapes - these are in place of sugar cookies because they taste so much better than sugar cookies but can be shaped and decorated the same way)
  • Went to Becky and Chauncey's house and played games
  • Went to Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig's New Year's Eve party with a balloon drop at noon and hot tubbing and card games
  • Built our New Year's Eve LEGO sets
  • Built snowmen in the beautiful packing snow we got today

It's been a lot of fun.

Mike has been working to install the whole-house humidifier that Alison got for Christmas, but it's not cooperating. We thought it was done, but then it started to leak (badly - we are very lucky that Rea noticed the noise and ran up to get us). Now we think it's fixed, but we don't want to turn it on until someone can sit in the utility room and watch it for a couple of hours, and we haven't made time for that yet.

Rea had such bad allergies on Tuesday that she got a migraine that lasted 24 hours. Poor girl. Alison is looking into home air filters to add to the humidifier in hopes that they'll help people feel better. (The humidifier will hopefully prevent the dry skin, chapped lips, and nosebleeds that are so prevalent at our house in the winter. Getting rid of some allergies would be nice too.)

Today Amy and Dave's power went out, so their kids hung out at our house all day and they came over for dinner. It was wonderful and the kids talked the parents into a sleepover tonight, so they're building themselves forts in the living room to sleep in tonight.

We have plans to do a game day tomorrow, but we are not currently sure how many people will be there. Here's to hoping that it goes well.


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