A lofty goal

On Monday we had our Hello Jell-O barbecue, where people could come over and meet Jello. The day was rainy and we mostly stayed inside. Mike convinced the Rogers to play a new board game with him, and the kids all had fun playing with each other. The meat was not burned and it went pretty well overall.

On Monday night we dropped the car off at the auto shop in order to get the tires fixed. They were done super fast and didn't charge us anything, so we assume that they patched them instead of replacing them.

Alison either has a new sickness this week or is sick again with the same one as last week, so despite all of her efforts to get better, she is still sick.

On Tuesday many of the kids went to the dentist. Rea apparently got two cavities in her teeth when they were still underneath her gums. The dentist said that she couldn't have done anything about it, so that is too bad.

Mike's old team was given less budget this fiscal year, so they moved most of the members of the team off to other teams. Mike ended up on a new team that is supposed to set up an API gateway for all of the other teams to use, so right now we are researching what we are going to be doing with that.

On Saturday Mike wanted to build the loft for the kids shed, however, he ended up only getting the boards cut, and then he ran out of time.

Rea and Sara went to Grandpa Craig's house to help him with a garage sale he was having. Mike also ended up cleaning up the house and making a dinner for a family who has sickness in the ward, so between those things there just wasn't as much time as there could have been.

The girls really liked the garage sale, and they ended up going to someone else's garage sale immediately afterwards and picking up some things that they wanted for free since the garage sale was closing down for the day.

Hopefully this week we're able to finish the loft so that we can also begin to set up a school area outside so that the kids can do school outside.


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