Can't stop the Rocket

On Monday of last week we took Rocket in to the vet to get him neutered. We were concerned how the drugs would affect him and how things would go, however when Alison went to pick him up he came out very happy and cheerful like usual and he doesn't seem to have had any ill effects from the surgery at all. He seems just as happy and chipper as normal.

At the same time, Elizabeth decided that rocket needed to look fancier so she applied green food coloring to his face. That means this entire week he has had a green face which is sort of funny. A few days later she painted fingernail polish on the cat, so we have had to tell her that she's not allowed to make any of our animals prettier because it's not safe for them.

Sara went to her first acting class this last week on Wednesday. She reported that she loved it, so we expect her to go again this upcoming week without any problems.

On Wednesday we had another activity dudes meeting, and we celebrated the birthday of James Waters and played games and ate ice cream at it.

There has been a musical Halloween decoration at the Poulson's house for as long as Alison can remember. It is shaped like a house which has a moon above it, and on the roof there are two dancing ghosts. When wound up the music box plays the ghostbuster theme song and causes the dancing ghosts spin around on the top of the roof.

Since all of the Poulson kids want to have this when Craig and Julie kick the bucket, Mike has been periodically checking eBay to see if he could find a copy of it. Mike was just able to find a copy of it for $25 plus shipping and he bought it, so now Alison doesn't have to compete to see who can get the original. Unfortunately it didn't have the ghosts, so he is going to be 3D printing a new set of ghosts. In order to do that he is probably going to have to take accurate measurements of the existing ghosts and figure out how to print a replacement with room to shove a magnet in the bottom of each.


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