Two Waluigis

On Thursday we got a quarter cow from "cedar sage beef" 

Also on Thursday the kids invited the Plastows over for a late over. Timmy got a house in wobbly life. Sara was The Mastermind of the entire late over, and she engineered them getting pizza and root beer floats however she didn't actually enjoy it apparently.

"I was really tired" she says, and then adds "I don't even know what we were doing"

Friday night to Saturday morning the ward had a father's and sons campout. We had hot dogs and chips and soda for dinner with s'mores afterwards.

"There were so many sodas!" Timmy comments.

Mike got the kids to play two rooms and a boom in the evening and then we went to sleep in our small tent.

In the morning we had pancakes and bacon and OJ for breakfast and played more 2r1b. Since then most of the kids that played have been asking to play again, so it was definitely a success.

Gideon recalls that in the morning we found a smore next to a tree. Because of this we are pretty certain that no bears came to the campsite during the night.

After we came back from the Fathers and sons campout the whole family went to a event that Ellie invited us to where everyone dressed up like Mario and they did some pre Halloween trick or treating. There were actually two people who are dressed up like waluigi which is pretty surprising.

There was a large boat that looked like it was afloat for some sort of a parade and they let the kids climb up on it and that was Gideon's favorite part.


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