Weekend of the Yoder Family Hay Wagon

Timmy attended his martial arts class again on Monday and Tuesday. He had a lot of fun and learned more things.

On Wednesday Sara went to acting class, which she also enjoys a lot. Alison and Sara took the train to get to the class, which took about the same amount of time to get there as the car because of traffic. The eventual plan is to have Sara take the train to get to the class, however it doesn't seem like that is going to happen immediately.

On Thusday we went to a combined Waters family birthday party. The party was at Buck's house since he was also apparently having a birthday too. We ate potluck, had cake, played No Thanks, and various other things. It was pretty fun.

On Friday we were invited to see a horse show by the Poulsons. Becky went into labor, so the adult Rogers were not there, however we had fun with the grandparents and the younger Rogers. The horses were impressive, and we also saw the knights do jousting and other combat sports.

The four horse "Yoder Family Hay" team won first place, which we were excited about because we assumed that they were our distant relatives on Mike's side. 

We ate dinner at the food trucks and left after watching most of the rodeo. We dropped the kids off for a sleep over at the grandparent's house and then drove home. We got to bed super late, so we ended up listening some of Conference as we drove to the Grandparent's house to pick up the kids.

Between the second and third Saturday session we left the Poulson's house and went to the Brown's house to watch the last session of conference with Petra, since she was visiting. 

General Conference was different this time than usual - for one thing we forgot out jelly beans which we usually bribe the kids with to help them to listen. Mike felt that he was able to hear much more of the talks given that the kids weren't always interrupting to get candy, however Alison felt that some of the kids didn't listen as well.


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