Broken things and things being fixed

On Wednesday we had activity dudes in the park since the church was off limits. We played ball games, ate ice cream sandwiches to celebrate March birthdays, and had a generally good time.

Saturday and Sunday was stake conference. Alison and Mike went to the Saturday adult session and Rea and Sara went to the Sunday youth session and we all went to the general session, however, the kids whined most of the time, which made it hard to pay attention. The were a few good talks despite that.

Saturday Alison also went to her cousin's baby shower. She had a wonderful time seeing all her cousin's.

We have been building a lot of Legos recently, and Timmy and Gideon built a large town with multiple residents each with their own house. It was really cool. Timmy and Gideon were both very excited about it, but Timmy didn't want to take a picture of it.

This week the weather has also continued quite nicely and we have been playing outside a lot most days.

On one day we cut a tree that was growing into the edge of our house Timmy and Gideon both came up on the roof to help and were excited to use the chainsaw.

On Friday while Timmy and Gideon were jumping into a sand pit at Park group Timmy decided to try to cannonball into it. He hurt his back in the process. We're took him home and tried to determine if we should have gone to the hospital or not, but he seemed to feel a lot better, so we decided to watch him and see. He still sore, but we don't think he injured himself seriously.

On Saturday Mike decided to have a goal of getting everyone a new or working bike and bike helmet, so we ended up buying three new bikes and fixing up all of the remainder of the bikes so that they are drivable. There is still a little more work to do however we are almost ready to go on a family bike ride. We also were able to find helmets for everyone which mostly fit pretty good.

Our minivan is having problems recently. For one thing the back right tire seems to be going flat over the course of a few weeks, additionally none of the sliding doors work anymore so we are going to have to figure out how to get them fixed or perhaps just take it to a mechanic and have them fix it. With all of the trips to various places every day of the week it is pretty hard to schedule that.

We are approaching the end of practice for Sara's play, and she goes to practice on most nights. She has done a really good job of memorizing her lines and practically never calls for help and she also is acting very well. We are excited for when she gets to act in the play for real. We will be attending the opening night on March 5th, and sitting in Row C so if anyone wants to join us - we would be happy to have you.

This week we have also had lingering effects of the sickness that people had last week, which caused us to not do as much as we would usually do in a week.


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