Saltcon and the aftermath

Last week we got ready for and went to saltcon.

Mike traded and sold some games, we had a lot of fun checking out various games from the game library, we painted miniatures, we played a lot of games, and we bought a bunch of things at the vendor hall.

Some of the games that we enjoyed playing and hope to get someday were: Hogwarts Battle, Blue Lagoon, and Trade on the Tigris.

Here is a picture of the miniatures that we painted. This year they provided us with goblins and various monstrous races. I can't find Rea's and Sara's (probably because they took it up to their bedroom instead of leaving it with all of the other ones.)

While we were at saltcon we left the pets home and had the waters kids come over to take care of them. That seemed to go well.

For the next few days we got everything back together and tried to get back into the groove of school (which is always difficult for certain children)

On Tuesday the kids all went to the dentist together. We have to make sure that certain of them do a better job brushing and flossing.

Sara has been going to her play practice multiple nights every week, which takes a lot of time, however she is doing very well in terms of memorizing her stuff - and she even was able to make it through the entire play without asking for help with any lines, so she should be ready for the actual production soon.

On Friday we attended the play Matilda which was being held at the nearby school. The kids did a pretty good job. I particularly liked the performance of Matilda's father. He was pretty funny.


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