Elsa's impressive eyebrows

On Monday we dropped off our car at the auto repair shop because for years our doors have been slowly degrading. It got to the point where everyone had to climb in through the front doors and then climb over everything to get to wherever their seat was. After dropping the car off the auto repair shop looked it over order the parts and got it fixed by wednesday. We are super excited to have a car whose doors work again! 

While we were out of a car Grandpa Mike lent us his truck so we were not entirely unable to get around.

On Monday at dinner time we also discovered that Elsa had some incredible eyebrows. We aren't quite sure exactly how it happened, however her eyebrows were very impressive. (Alison mentions that it is nice that Sara has someone to practice makeup on.)

Early this week (Tuesday or Wednesday probably) Timmy started having an allergic reaction to something that we aren't quite sure what it is. It seems that it flares up when he goes outside so we're guessing it might be some sort of pollen in the air. Our current best guess is that it's cottonwood. 

Timmy has been fairly miserable and we have been trying to different things to see if they would work to help him. 

Activity dudes was this week as well, however it was a pretty normal activity so there's not much to report on that. I guess it could be said that it is nice that Dave is a active partner in activity dudes because sometimes he comes up with everything by himself. 

Given that in 2 weeks we are theoretically supposed to have people start construction on our house we have begun to move things out of the front room so that the construction workers will have an easier time. Before construction starts we are trying to get everything moved out of the kitchen front room and Timmy's bedroom. 

Alison also has a secret goal of getting the girls room cleaned out as well just because it's going to be the only way to get them to clean their stuff.

Rea also got a job as a mother's helper for the Wilsons. She basically helps take care of the kids for a while so that sister Wilson can do things, however last time she helped clear out a closet for them and then took care of the kids while sister Wilson put the closet back together.


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