Multiple days of sickness

Monday afternoon this week Alison began to feel sick. Mike took off the day Tuesday to help her feel better by taking care of the kids. On Wednesday, she thought that she was feeling better, so Mike went back to work. However she was feeling awful and throwing up again Wednesday night, so Mike took Thursday off. Alison felt better Friday and took it easy Friday and Saturday to avoid a relapse, so we think she's all better now. (Hopefully) 

On Monday night (right after Alison began getting sick) we (Mike and the kids that is) went to the tulip festival with grandparents Poulson. Elsa says that the kids had a lot of fun at it, and that she liked the dragon the best. Gideon said that he had a fun time, however Gideon also says that he was sad because he didn't get to keep the map. 

On Wednesday we did chair soccer for activity dudes, which is a game where each person has a chair that they have to defend and everyone tries to kick the soccer ball and hit everyone else's chair to knock them out of the game.

On Thursday the Poulson's invited us to go to the temple open house, so we went with them. Alison was sick enough that she didn't go, however everyone else enjoyed it a lot. Rea happened to lose her glasses at some point in the process.

Friday evening we had a ward fundraiser dinner/auction and the polsons and Rogers came over to see that. Rea was in charge of planning the activity. It went fairly well.

On Friday evening the polson's invited our kids over for a sleepover, so the kids went to grandparents house and Alison and Mike fixed a plumbing issue that just showed up in our bathroom.

Saturday we got the kids back home and made swedish meatballs for dinner because that is what Elsa picked. 

On Sunday we went to church and then to family dinner at the Brown's house. We got to talk with the Browns and Bobby and the Plastows and we had a fun time.


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