Card game

Over the three day weekend, I have play tested the new card game. We rewrote the rules almost entirely, and rewrote most of the cards. The notes that I have posted can be found here and here. You can download a docx file that contains the newest version of the cards in a printable state here Google Docs fails to render it correctly, so don't print from Google docs.

Also, My parmesan cracked since I did not turn it over enough. :( This means that I will have to watch it carefully to make sure that it doesn't develop mold. The other cheeses look good (and I am in fact overdue for opening up a cheese - so perhaps I will report on that soon.)

The feta came out pretty good. It has a nice flavor.

Only one more change needs to happen for me to declare my MSV to be out of alpha: I have to make real time updates. I have put it off for so long, but I know that the user wants it. :/

We gathered apes over the weekend from an old couple's tree. Amy talked with them, and got their permission, and invited us along. We intend to make ape jam. Last year's ape jam was very good, and hopefully this year's is just as good.

In the last session of 42 Earths, they gathered info from Diablo, and discovered that there is an alien hostage. They plan on notifying the government, and perhaps joining in on the liberation force.

"I suggest a new strategy, Artoo: let the Wookie win"


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