New MSV version released.

On Friday we went to the DI and found a wine cooler for $10. It didn't work, but a quick google search revealed that that model of wine cooler has a known issue with a fuse blowing out. We got it to store our cheeses as they age (it can control the temperature pretty exactly, and should not be too expensive to run since it is fairly small).

After borrowing Loren's soldering iron I was able to replace the fuse, and for just about $11 we have a working cheese cooler.

I also have been working on the MSV fairly heavily recently. I just posted a new version here.

The last 42 Earths play session went well (I was hoping to get farther, but they were not quite sure what they wanted to do, so they took a while deciding where to go after the firefight in the train).

They ended up going to the government and reporting Diablo's recent activities. They got hired on as information gatherers, and offered equipment and funds to try to figure out what alien information/equipment Diablo has. Xander also has been secretly using government equipment to build an alien locator device that can track alien ships.

I think that the story is coming along nicely. They plan on sending Mara in to gather info (and practically unarmed). It should be fun. Hopefully her bluff checks are up to snuff :).

Also, We made a lot of frozen yogurt recently. It was good.


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