
April 9th 2011, a very good year (almost as old as レヤ ちゃん)
We just opened the cheese that we made on April 9th. It is the softest hard cheese that we have made yet. It has a good Italian flavor (it is strong enough that you could grate it and put it over pasta, but not so hard that you have to. I am going to try a cheeseburger with it - I think that that will be super tasty).
We have not used all of the recent feta yet, so I we are planning a chard casserole tonight to use it up - here's to hoping that the chard is not to bitter (we let it grow pretty big).
I have printed up the cards for the card game, and cut them out now. Hopefully I will get to use them soon to test it out :). Also, I am thinking that it will be a Polynesian themed game. If anyone comes up with a good name for it I will reward them with one lb of cheese of their choice (or a half lb of a pre-made hard cheese (so that you can taste it first to see if you like it)).
The MSV is moving along, although I wonder if I will ever finish it. As I finish one feature I always come up with another one to work on. I did recently post the arbitrary precision library that I used in the MSV online at codeplex.
The whole family went on an exploratory walk yesterday to see if we could find any grape vines in a nearby park, and one person who lived next to the park had grape vines on their fence. We really need to get our own grape vines, but until then we can go around knocking on doors asking to pick other people's difficult to reach grapes.
 レヤ ちゃん asking for more cherries
Baby Andrea has been enjoying the summer, and eating many fruits and vegetables. Just yesterday she stood up, whacked me in the head, and then continued standing for 13 more seconds after that. I figure that it can't be long before she starts walking (She has the balance thing down pretty well).


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