Killed in a black friday sale stampede

This weekend was a long one. Baby Andrea was teething again (and this time it was worse than all the times before combined). She was very fussy. On the other hand, she learned to 'jump' (she goes up on her tippy toes, and raises her hands up in the air). It is amazing how that can be cute even after you have had only seven hours of sleep in two days.

Alison and I went over to the Poulson's and celebrated thanksgiving there, by the way. I got some people to play my card game, and got closer to declaring it done. I might have to weaken friendly - it can make the decks disappear too fast.

I regret to inform you all that I have been killed in a walmart black Friday sale stampede. No-one stopped to help me as I was trampled to death. The thing that is wrong about this, is that it actually happens. Black friday sales are one of the heathen rituals that we still take a part in as a mostly enlightened society. I really hate shopping, but black Friday takes the cake. I have no problem with cyber Monday, or even Christmas sales in general - it is just the masses of people that flock together under the knowledge that they very well could end up hospitalizing or killing someone in the attempt to make a cheap purchase.

In terms of the card game, I have been trying to get it ready for printing, but I keep trying to make small tweaks. Now I am working on improving the yellow deck (the special deck). It used to be powerful, but now the game goes to fast that it is usually over before any benefits can be realized from picking from that deck. I am thinking of increasing the power of the cards, and making them worth points. I will test those changes out, and then determine if I need to do more later. The four player version seems to have enough cards, but I have not been able to test the 6 player version out.

I am about 2500 words behind on my NaNo (still). I intended to finish today, but it looks like I will be finishing tomorrow. (that is still a day before the had deadline, so I am OK). Wish me luck :). I will post here with the result when I finish. the progress of the story has been strange. My character started out as a petty con-man, and ended playing the part of a monomaniacal tyrant (who was just doing it to help out some other guy who needs to be a hero, and therefore has to have a tyrant to fight against). It was not really what I expected, but NaNos never are.


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