Tomato Nadna

We ate the other half of the maitake mushroom sauteed with butter and salt as a side dish. Is had an excellent flavor when sauteed - hearty and bold, with a slight fish taste. I would highly recommend these mushrooms to anyone who likes mushrooms.

On Friday I did not write any for NaNo, so I am not 2,500 words behind (and I still have to write my words for today). I am afeared for thanksgiving. It might spell the death of me.

We had another game of 42 Earths this weekend. They met their first brain suckers, anthropoids, shot down some small alien crafts, and got a small vehicle mounted plasma cannon. Things are going well. Everyone leveled up.

I have not made too much progress on the motorized bike. Things have been busy, but I guess that I really don't need to finish it until spring anyway As I don't like to ride bike on days that have precipitation, or days where the ground is still wet or icy.

We made tomato Nadna on Saturday out of the tomatoes that had ripened in our house. It was good, but very strong. We also made ravioli, pasta primavera, and garlic bread this weekend. The pasta primavera was a good simple recipe:

boil macaroni (perhaps 1 lb)
brown pork sausage (perhaps 1/4 lb)
cut and sautee mushrooms, peppers, and green beans. (perhaps 3 cups)
grate cheese (perhaps 1.5 cups grated)
drain macaroni and immediately stir in cheese. It should melt. Add in all other ingredients and douse lightly with oil.

The ravioli were stuffed with home made ricotta (we made more feta, which did not die this time, so perhaps by thanksgiving it will have a decent flavor) and with the rest of the pork sausage. We have plans for some swiss chard filled ones, but as of yet two balls of dough have not used up our other fillings, so we have not made the chard ones.

I have played a little more Polynesia, perhaps I will slightly increase the deck sizes again (with five players the military deck is almost used up in the first turn.) The rules will not change, though.

Baby Andrea had begun to invent words for everything that she sees. Se loves watching cars, and she will tell us "Nadna" whenever she sees one (she says nadna for practically everything, in fact). We are watching grandma Sumption's cat. Baby Andrea loves it. I feel sorry for the cat. She can say k'ty, and 'ty for kitty, and some times says Ki'ty. she also signs cat pretty good. It is fun to watch her learn new things. She has also started signing 'help' when she wants us to do something for her.

whipping cream was on sale this week, so now she is on a strict diet of whipping cream and whatever else she wants. She loves drinking her whipping cream.


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