
Baby Andrea has started to throw tantrums. They are not very successful, honestly, but perhaps she will get better at them. She lays on the ground, and then cries, but if you distract her by asking her "Are you going to throw a tantrum?" she looks at you in a confused manner, and then gets back up off the floor.

She has suddenly discovered trucks and cars. She loves watching them, and whenever we go on a walk, she points to them and does the 'come here' gesture. She has a car gesture that she will also make (which looks like she is holding a steering wheel and turning it right and left). Probably Alison taught her that.

I just started NaNo. I am doing OK so far (though I am a bit behind like always). I have 1000 words and I want 5000 by the end of the day. I will report my progress here.

By the way, I wrote a little program called "Just keep writing, Swee!" which 'helps' you to write a NaNo novel. She asked me for certain features (apparently there is something online like this program, but she wanted something that she didn't have to be connected to the internet to use). You can download it here. It is free (and by free, I mean free).

The apple drying is going well. We hope to finish this week. The raisins ended up being pretty good.

We had an interesting episode with our plumbing recently, and I bought an auger to clean it up. It is amazing what that thing can do - I sort of wish that I had gotten it earlier.


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