Happiness and cheer

We are home from California. It was fun, but I am also glad to be back.

We asked Andrea what she wanted for Christmas, and her list was as follows:
1) Hershey's Kisses
2) Wet wipes (to play with)
3) A "Mommy's hand" toy (whatever that is)
4) More picture scripture books

Sounds pretty easy to fulfill.

I am looking to get a new cheese fridge for Christmas so that I can up my cheese production in the spring when both of our goats are producing milk.

During the stay in California apparently Lala had more problems with her udder - they appear to have gone away since we got back, but she is producing far less milk than she did up until recently. Now the question is: To cull or not to cull?

I have ordered another printing of Polynesia. We played some games over the holiday that cause me to want to retool trading, but that is being put on hold until at least the end of November as I am still working on dancing robots.

Dancing robots is fairly simple and pretty fast as well. Perhaps I will bring it to a family dinner some time. Most games end with a spectacular explosion, or a devastating dance off.

There is a board gaming conference in salt lake coming up. I am thinking of showing my game (Polynesia) to some publishers there. I am also entering it into a game contest to see if it can garner any publicity by a victory. This is sort of nerve wracking to me since I am no salesman and wish that someone else would take this job.

Unfortunately I am the only one available to take it.

I have also been considering joining a game makers guild. I just don't know if I am willing to expend the time that would be required to actually do it.


  1. Exciting about hoping to get the game published! I'd be your sales man, but I don't really know the game well :/. I'm sure you'll do great though!


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