We are all goat-men

This week:
For Halloween we went to my parent's house and Andrea trick or treated at perhaps 15 houses.

November 1st marked the first day of both NaNoWriMo and NaGaDeMo. I am participating in NaGaDeMo, and Alison is in NaNoWriMo. NaNo is fun, but I didn't want to take that much time away from developing Polynesia.

The game that I decided to make is "Dancing Robots". So far I am not too far along. I have a basic rules doc, but not even all of the rules are defined, and most of the cards are not yet created.

I read Harry Potter and the Natural 20 this weekend. It was pretty funny (though it is not a complete story yet). D&D folks - you will find it a fun read.

I also have been reading a fair amount of HP Lovecraft recently, and decided this weekend to have a Halloween RPG one-shot campaign. We used the Inspectres Unspeakable micro supplement for rules, and 'The Dunwich Horror' as a starting point for the story. The gameplay went fairly smoothly. The rules were very light. We enjoyed the most the 'confessional' mechanic (which added in all of the twists to the story from the point that the crazy hobo was really a goat-man, to the point that closing the portal would require a human sacrifice).

The story ended with two of the players becoming insane goat men, and the other two barely closing the portal and then running away from a mob of enraged goat-townsfolk (a very lovecraftian ending). A hint was even dropped that everyone was in fact a latent goat-man. All in all it was a fun (and funny) Halloween campaign. I would use the rule set again.


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