Those decapitated horse head on a stick toys

What a snow storm! In Sandy we got over 2 ft of snow. Additionally Alta (The ski resort east of us) just opened up this morning (which is earlier than usual).

We pretty much just stayed home on Saturday and enjoyed our warm house (I walked off our property once to shovel the end of the driveway, but other than that we were home the whole day.)

It seems like Lala (our goat) has mastitis. She has been spraying milk in all sorts of crazy directions when we try to milk her. I am going to buy a test today to see if she really does. Until then we are pasteurizing our milk (which makes it stronger flavored.)

Andrea and Sara are doing well. Andrea made her own pizza the other day. She didn't really flatten it enough, so it was more like a roll with pizza toppings. She likes to help her little sister Sara out, and gives her hugs often. She also offers Sara to ride on her rocking horse (we have a movie of that, but I forgot to pull it off the camera.)

The other day Andrea didn't want to wash her dinner dish, so she 'sold' me her stick horse (that decapitated horse head on a stick thing) in exchange for me washing her dish. She hasn't yet bought it back, so I am now the proud owner of a stick horse.

Dancing robots is coming along as well. It is actually playable now. Though it still isn't entirely balanced, it is possible to dance off and do multiple moves. I intend to test it out more during our thanksgiving trip.

I worked a bit on my new Polynesia designs. Removing 6 strategies it is possible to fit the strategy board on a Tarot sized card (which exactly fits in a double wide tuck box, so it is possible to make that change and still have a low printing cost) You can find a gallery of the cards here:
The main changes are the inclusion of the tuck box and the strategy card modification. I posted a thread online asking people for input on my new symboled card layout, but most of the people didn't like that I was mixing symbols with text so much. I only did that because I can't seem to make a symbol only version of the cards. I only spent four or five hours on it so perhaps it is possible (but difficult).

I have one guy still working on making a symbol only version of the cards - it is just that I don't expect him to come back with anything.

Next up is token designs.


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