The shotgun approach to dispensing information

This week we skyped with cousin Jack for the first time at our own house. Jack and Andrea mostly stared at each other, but we did get Andrea to tell Jack a 'Brave Lala' story (with a lot of prompting). Jack also sang a song (Mana Mana) for us. It was pretty successful. If any other cousins want to skype, we are accepting calls. Just exchange contact info with us.

Whenever I brush my teeth, Sara tries to bite the tooth brush. If I am laying on the bed she can usually get the other end of the tooth brush into her mouth, and she thinks that this is the best game ever.

She has started to sign this week. She says More (which was Rea's first sign as well) by tapping her feet together with her hands or slapping the table repeatedly. She has essayed into signing water by tapping her face, but that doesn't happen often, so we are not really sure if it is intentional or not.

Rea has been feeding Sara a lot recently. One time she fed her half a cup of smoothie (which mostly ended up on the floor, but Sara had a fun time anyway.) She also peeled and shared half a banana with Sara (which again, both of them enjoyed immensely)

Rea is very contrary recently. She will disagree with you just to disagree even if she really wants whatever she is disagreeing with. She is very silly. She also has begun to play pretend quite often. She is growing up in so many ways.

My new job is going well. I car-pooled for the first time last Friday. Hopefully we can carpool more and save gas money and the air quality.

Rea was playing today with her jungle animals. Alison came over and asked what was happening. Rea had all of the animals in a circle, with the smallest ones in the middle. Rea said that all of the animals were making a circle to protect their little babies from the snake. She then said that the mother elephant 'makes a loud trumpeting noise. The other three elephant families nearby make circles around their babies too.'

She has been reading too much Little Tembo.

Alison is indoctrinating her into the way of the horse crazy girl. She is reading her Summer Pony, and Andrea  Loves playing horses.

I printed a new copy of dancing robots at Staples. One thing that I miss about my old job was knowing that  I was able to print things without getting into trouble (because they posted a sign with prices) I haven't yet determined if the new one has a rule about personal printing.

Alison and I played Dominion Dark Ages, but the random cards that came up were not particularly useful. We also played Small World, which Alison liked more than she expected to. She says that she would play it again (but not at a family dinner).

I am preparing to print another copy of my cards, either from printerstudio again, or from theGameCrafter. I have fixed some of the errors in the first printing. It is always a huge hassle to upload the cards with printerstudio, but they do produce results quickly, and that is a benefit. Perhaps I will try out TheGameCrafter this time so that I can say that I tried all the places and have decided on which one is really the best.

Finally, we open up our first butterkase this week. Color me excited.


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