Wickedness through the eyes of a two year old

My new job is going well. I am working writing code to load test the web sites and writing code to ensure that the QA engineers know if bugs crop back up.

They gave me a cell phone with unlimited texting, so I can receive texts now.

SaltCon went really well. I was there for about 12 hours, and played about 8 games of Polynesia (among other games that were brought by other people). I gave away two copies of the game to someone that won a tournament and someone that won a raffle which I held. We came up with a few possible minor rule changes which I have to evaluate to see if they will fix some small problems that cropped up during the game.

The math trade went well. I got Small World and Ninja Vs Ninja, and I also sold 5 D&D books that I got from the library book sale for enough money to buy Dominion Dark Ages.

Rea, Mom, and Dad played Ninja vs Ninja. Rea mostly moved the pieces around and made it hard for the adults to remember where they were supposed to be.

Today Rea has been in quite an interesting mood. When I told her that the government takes our money for taxes like wicked king Noah she told me that she would burn the government down and stomp on it.

She also explained in great detail why Laman and Lemuel were so wicked. Among the wicked things that she listed were:
Stealing things and throwing them down and breaking them
Tinkling on a banana
Running out of their room at night
Stomping around and crying so hard that they threw up
Bopping an elephant
Telling lies
Throwing up and not throwing up in a bucket
Getting out of bed at night and wanting a different bed, or a different door, or different toys in their bed
Having horses and dinosaurs and puppets out at the same time
Screaming and screaming and screaming
Wanting pineapple mangoes by not writing words
Eating bananas when it is dinner time and apples and fudge

Sara and Rea are learning to hang from the monkey bars by themselves. One can hang for 10 seconds and the other for 20 seconds. You would think that Rea could hang for longer, but you'd be wrong. It's Sara.

Sara also climbs up people who are holding her and perches on their shoulders.

Rea read the word fish today by her self. She is spelling words regularly, but reading has never been something that she wanted to do very much.

Finally, I had a dream that I somehow went back in time to when I was 12, inhabited my old body and discovered that I was in an alternate universe in which I had died as an infant. I had to convince my family that I was really a member of the family. It was so weird that I couldn't fall back asleep until my alarm went off.U


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