Who writes a post without a title?

We finally got a picture of Timothy smiling!

I have made an Android phone app for Sara to practice her colors. All you do is press a button and the phone says the name of the color. If you have an Android phone (any smart phone that is not an Iphone or a windows phone), then you can download the app here.

It has been tested on two phones so far and seems to work ok. If you press the buttons too fast it crashes, so I have to figure out why that is.

This weekend we made gyros for dinner to use our home made feta. I didn't originally think so, but the feta wouldn't be harmed by more salt.

I have posted my card designs for dancing robots online, and have been getting a lot of feedback. I decided to give in to everything that everyone told me to do and then once I am done going back and making it look like I want it to. The thread is here.

So far they have changed a huge amount of the card. Here are the before and (current) after:
I will contine to work with these people as long as they continue to provide interesting feedback.

On Sunday we asked the girls what they learned at church. Rea said she learned about saying sorry and Jesus forgiving us. 

Sara said she learned about bubbles and snacks. 

Rea has been really enjoying being read to recently. She likes the box car children books, and also the princess tales (which include Ella Enchanted among others).

She can read an entire Dr Seuss book all by herself as well.

Finally, I cannot think of a title for this post. I will spell o.k. into the phone and see what comes out. 


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