We cannot understand it at all

While I was writing this post, Sara decided that Timothy needed a diaper change.  So she yelled at me, "CHANGE. HIS. COUCHE!" Then she smiled sweetly and said, "I said it politely."

Rea came up with a plan that she pitched to us the other day. She wants to invite everyone in our family over for a sleep over camp out in our back yard. Alison persuaded her to make it a late over: we'll set up tents and play in them, but at bedtime anyone who wants can go home. We're looking for a good Saturday for everyone to come over in the afternoon. We'll borrow the poulsons' portable grill and make hot dogs and s' mores. Expect invitations soon.

Saturday was my work party at thanksgiving point. This year it was pirate themed. The girls liked riding on a barrel (on wheels) propelled by oars (toilet plungers). The pony rides and petting zoo are always big hits, and this year rea loved the bounce house and Sara liked a spinning teacup ride. It was shortened because of a threat of thunderstorms, which made it just the right length for us.

Timothy has been sick recently (along with the young girls. As he is just a baby this means that he cries a lot. We keep having to quote the Pirates of Penzance in regards to the Major General being an orphan boy: "Poor fellow".

 We got bugs in some of our food storage. We forgot that there was some stuff in the girls room that hadn't been moved to five gallon buckets, and they got in there and then infested our whole house. They're little black bugs similar to ants. We didn't want to spray poison around little kids, so we ended up coating our house with Diatomaceous earth,which is edible but is rough enough to rub holes in them and dry them out. We seem to be making progress against them.

The house next door to us sold, and our new neighbors have been moving in. We went over to greet them and found out they have a two year old boy. The girls hope he'll play with them a lot. We mean to have them over for dinner soon.

Lately Andrea and Sara have become obsessed with the word hate. They claimed to hate everything. We got sick of it, so family night this week was on how hate is a strong word and we should only use it about wicked things. Rea almost immediately stopped using it, and Sara is following her example.

We bought a food processor at the di. I don't know how it took us so long to realize that these are wonderful! I sliced four zucchini faster than Alison could cut the stems off. Since Alison chops vegetables for dinner almost every night, it's great for us.

Alison has been taking the kids to the pool to meet Sheila and Max almost every day. Rea can now swim a yard, roll on her back and take a breath, and flip back over and swim more. She's made amazing progress this summer. Alison and Sheila wish they could do swim lessons all year, but indoor pools are just too expensive.

 We are considering building benches along the walls of our front room. These benches will serve triple purposes: they will hide food storage, be built so that they serve as seating for the dinner table, and a replacement for a couch. It will involve some woodworking (especially the part where we build a shoe rack into the bench.)

I am considering asking Dave to help out with pointers on how to do that.

Sara's color game (that I made for android phones) has some bugs. I have been unable to figure them out, so I have been considering asking Scott to look at the code and see if he can figure them out.

Alison is reading a new book called Playbourhood. She's being inspired by it to make our front yard into a place where all the neighbourhood kids want to come and play. So far she's planned a sandbox, a fountain, a trellis of vines making a play house inside, a garden meant to be picked by kids, and seats for the adults around a fire pit. Rea wants to add rope swings from the trees and a hammock. Next summer our yard should be awesome for kids and require less water and mowing.

Sara just told me that I need a cape. Then she said it had to be an Elephant cape. Then she handed me a lamb and said to use it. So I draped it over my neck and called it an Elephant cape. Apparently that was what she wanted because she's leaving me alone now.

That makes a difference, of course. At the same time, we repeat, we cannot understand it at all.


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