Toothless Boothless

I didn't write a blog post last week because I left for a conference on the Sunday before this one. I normally write the post on Sunday. In the week before that we were mostly dealing with sick kids (all three of them got sick). Fortunately Alison and I remained healthy.

Sara has realized that you can make different words by replacing the first word with a different consonant. She likes to be called "Sara Beara", she has a doll that is named "Toothless Boothless", and she also says "Sorry Borry" after hiting Andrea on the head with Toothless Boothless.

We need to convince her that it is better not to hit Rea than to hit her and then apologize. If anyone has any ideas about that I would appreciate hearing them.

Sara said "I need to poop" to which I responded "Then go to the bathroom". She went into the bathroom and then stood there saying "poop poop poop". After that she left the bathroom.

Timothy is growing very large and getting pretty cranky. During the week that I was gone He learned to move his head around with quite a bit of control, and he also started 'talking' a lot (he says 'hi' and a lot of unintelligible things.)

As was mentioned before I went off to Florida to the 'Agile 2014' software engineering conference this past week.

The hotel is also the conference center and it is massively humongous. The conference center alone is 400,000 square feet, and the hotel is at least the same size. There are living alligators in the lake in the indoor park in the hotel as well as a massive splash pad, multiple restaurants and pools.

We (Chris and I) left the conference center/hotel every nights to get dinner and each time our servers assumed that we were eating out as a couple. More often than not they gave us one dessert between the two of us (and two spoons to go with the dessert). It is funny how you can no longer go out with a friend without people assuming that you are a couple.

I learned a lot about agile methodologies. I am fired up about making my workplace into a more agile place. I was especially impressed with presentations about Continuous Deployment, and how feature toggles can help mitigate all of the complaints that most people have about CD. I also want to try Mob Programming. Another interesting class was about software craftsmanship. I think that the ideas that are presented in it are worth trying out.

While I have been in Florida, Alison went with the girls and Timothy to her mom's house. They had a fun time.

On Sunday we had Timothy's baby blessing and had a large party. It was fun. We had 30 people over. We spilled out into the front yard, and everyone had a fun time despite the wind and the rain.

The most popular thing was the cotton candy machine which we totally did not rent.

The goats have been very messy with their food, and I have decided to make them a new manger. I will photograph it when it is complete.

We also got a lot of apricots from the trees near Craig and Julie's house, and froze and dried them. We are eating some of them too.

Finally, today I made some Sweet Lassi with the yogurt that we have in abundance. It was pretty good. The girls loved it.


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