In today's news...

...Brazilian Lumberjacks cut down the last tree in the rain forest.

A spokesman for the Acme Toothpick company said, "Gee, that's too bad."

Additionally, grandma Sheila sent us thank you money for helping move. We decided that it would be best to go to Thai food with it. The girls ate a whole plate of chicken and vegetables in peanut sauce between them. They were apparently very hungry.

We also just discovered that Sara is very motivated by reverse psychology. All that you have to do to get her to clean her room is to tell her "It is time to clean this room. I want to make you clean it up by grabbing your hands and making you grab the things, but mom said that if you clean it up by yourself that I am not allowed to do that." She cleans it up every time if you say that.

She also will wash her dishes if you tell her she is too young to wash dishes.

Sara loves helping Timmy. she helped Timmy walk around the house by holding his hands one time. He doesn't always want her to do it, but sometimes they will go on walks together.

Timmy has been learning so many thing. He now knows to blow on hot food to cool it down, (which he loves to do), and how to walk a few steps. His best score so far is 4 consecutive unaided steps, but he is happy to show off and get a lot of attention.

He also likes to sing I love you songs to his family, and climb into his new hammock all by himself. He has even been sleeping through the night, so he has been a really nice baby recently.

Just last week I got an order to make more counters. It took me a few days to print them all since the printer was acting up, but I mailed them out and made more than $40 on it. Probably I will have my LLC buy my half of the 3d printer off of me so that I can not make a profit this year off of my business.

Rea was successful for the first time swinging across the entire set of monkey bars without touching the ground. She probably could have done it for a while, but she hadn't tried it for a long time.

On Friday and Saturday we went to the Salt Lake gaming convention. It was pretty good. More devoted to video games than board games, but there were still a lot of board games. We played Hanabi and Akrotiri for the first time as well as Pastiche. All of the games were fun. I will write up more on my gaming blog.

The most exciting things about the convention for Rea and Sara were the free bounce houses that they got to jump in, and the my little ponies toys that they bought.

On Saturday we went to the Poulson Family reunion. It was at Cherry Hill, which is a water park that is in the Kaysville area. We had fun visiting with Alison's grandma and cousins and riding the lazy river with grandma Julie and grandpa Craig. Réa especially liked showing off how well she could swim.

We were watching chickens for the last few weeks, but the owners came and took them back. We are now back down to a manageable number of chickens (and a less noisy back yard).

Sunday I disassembled the printer to install new parts on it. It is now back together, and it seems to be working well. I printed up a goat toy for Rea, and a octo-ostritch for Sara (both requested what toy they were to get.)

Alison has come up with a new idea for cleaning our house. It is called Team Clean. After dinner every night, were split into two teams, one parent and one girl per team. One team washes dishes and cleans the kitchen, and the other picks up the bedrooms and puts away any laundry. It takes about twenty minutes a night to keep our house in order, and sometimes we even have fun.

Finally, we didn't make any cheese this week. We are starting to get down to a reasonable amount of milk from these goats.


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