No Spoons Allowed and The Big Squash

Monday and Tuesday we played some games of Jurassic space at work. We made changes to the game, and it seems to be getting better (perhaps more polished, but it is a little hard to say.)

Rea asked me to print her a swan, so I printed two swan toys this week. One for Rea and one for Sara. They came out really good, and seem like they won't break. Here's to hoping.

Tuesday it was Sara's turn for a Daddy-Daughter Date. She decided to go to Macy's and get an ice cream cup to bring home and share. But then she wouldn't let anyone eat it with a spoon; she insisted that they only lick.

On Wednesday we had another Sandy board game design night. 6 people came (including two brother in laws). We played Jurassic Space and I got some good feedback.

On Thursday we got a quarter-cow from a local farm. It was chopped up into steaks and ground beef and such. All we have done with it as of yet is to make steak fajitas on Saturday. They turned out pretty good. We need to make some steaks to see if they are better than ones bought from the store in the normal manner. Either way, buying in bulk gets you grass-fed beef at a price that is comparable to grass-fed ground beef, but you get steaks as well as ground beef. You do, however, need a ton of freezer space.

Friday and Saturday Alison went to the LDS Homeschool Conference. Grandma Julie watched the kids Friday morning, and a neighbor took them Friday afternoon, so she could be gone for two whole days. There were some excellent presentations and she has shared some good ideas with our family already. This conference is much more aimed at family dynamics and support than specific homeschooling ideas; in fact, next year it's changing to the LDS Educators Conference and hoping to attract people who don't homeschool to talk about teaching in the church and in the home, which we all do. Alison bought a Living History curriculum and a chart to remind us to use the "Teaching Self-Government" skills (which are awesome! Check them out!). One of the best presentations for her was called "Finding Peace Amid the Storms of Life," which talked about what causes anger, frustration, etc, and how to get rid of them. The presenter is doing an intensive course (16 hours in 2 days) in Sandy on both August 28-29 and September 11-12 and she is really considering doing one of them along with Mike. But finding all-day babysitters again is kind of overwhelming. If anyone else is interested in doing one session and exchanging babysitting, let her know. It was really that good; she recommends it.

On Saturday I got another 36 twist counter order. Now that I have all of my filament, my orders are mostly profit (the time I spend is minimal since the printer does all the work, and I am old hat at printing these things.)

I got an Octoprint server set up for it, so I don't even need to use my laptop except to start the print job up.

On Saturday I fired up the old Playstation and played some Dance Dance Revolution Max 2. It was pretty fun (the kids liked dancing along for some of it.) Timmy thought that it was really fun to lie down under my feet. I am not very good anymore, so I need to practice to get better again.

I have been looking at parts for building a printerbox. I want to have the printer in a clear plastic box to keep the heat and fumes in. If we put it near our dryer I can also vent it through the dryer vent.

At stake conference we got the idea of having a family meeting on Sundays to spiritually create our week before family night. We put it into effect today for the first time. We talked about what we want our family to be like, what we're doing well, and what to focus on this week. We decided to try to serve each other, so family night will be about acts of service. We also had Daddy-children interviews. Sara's was first, and we cuddled and talked about things that she likes. I told her how happy I am that she helps Timmy out, and we discussed how Jesus loves her. Timmy was second and we wrestled and looked at pictures of the extended family and I named them to him. Rea was third, and we talked about how God was once a man, and how the earth is magnetic and such things.

At Church people always leave out squash that they have too much of so other people can take it home. Today I asked Sara to go get me a squash. She picked the biggest one on the table - a winter squash (maybe spaghetti?) that was almost as tall and heavy as Timmy (who is not that much smaller than Sara). She was very excited to lug it back to me, but Rea's Sunday School teacher saw her and was afraid she would drop it, so she helped her. So now we have a huge squash on our kitchen table. Yum.


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