
This was Rea's first week of homeschool kindergarten: She missed the kindergarten cut-off by a month, so all her friends from Church and the neighborhood started kindergarten this week and she didn't. So Alison told her that they would do a homeschool kindergarten. Alison says there's definitely been a learning curve, but things are going pretty well. Rea says her favorite thing to do is math, which Alison would have guessed was her least favorite from her responses, so that's interesting. She also practices handwriting, reading (Rea is reading aloud "Little House in the Big Woods"), and memory work, and Alison reads some classics (fairy tales, Aesop's fables, etc) to her. It all takes 30-45 minutes a day and has been going well. Alison is looking for some sort of group to join once a week to get out of the house more, but she hasn't found one she loves. She might have to create one.

On Wednesday we had Science time with Daddy for the first time. We talked about the states of matter (Solid, Liquid, Gas), and discussed them and then melted ice cubes, and lit up a propane torch. It seemed to be fairly well received, and next week we are planning on having it again and discussing the fact that air is a substance.

On Thursday, Alison and the kids went to Crestwood Park, which has a creek and some woods. The kids had a great time wading and splashing in the creek and doing nature drawings. Now that they remember how fun it is, Alison is hoping she'll have an easier time getting them out the door to go there regularly.

On Friday, when Alison and the kids usually go to Grandma Julie's house, they instead met the grandparents (and Aunt Becky and cousin Ellie) at the Clearfield Aquatic Center. They had a fabulous time swimming and playing in the water. Then they had Subways for lunch and went up to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden, which is an amazing place. It was a pretty awesome day. The best part, for the kids, was stopping for ice cream after the museum, of course!

Friday night we went to the Pirates of Penzance at the draper historic theater. It was a good production. They sang really clearly, and the venue was quite intimate. We will be going back for more plays (they are only $10 a ticket).

On Saturday morning we made a parmesan. It was pretty small (we are trying to skim our long term cheeses, since the lipase flavor can be really piquant). The make went well, and we hope to eat it in a year or two. It is currently brining.

Later on Saturday I dug a deep hole in the front yard sand box and installed a big red umbrella in it. The main purpose of the umbrella is keeping the neighbor cat out of the sandbox. The girls like to play underneath it as well.

On Saturday night we babysat for Max and Petra. They had a fun time coming over and playing with our kids.


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