3D printer + Doges = a 4D blog post.

We missed writing last week. Certainly stuff happened, but I can't remember all of it. I can recall making a cheddar, and practicing my presentation a lot.

This week I practiced my presentation more, started making a game called "Doge City", and also started printing Dominion Adventures tokens on my printer.

We spent a lot of time outside (it was certainly unseasonably warm out in Utah, perhaps global warming finally caught up with us.) We spent a few hours on Saturday fixing up all the bikes and preparing for Alison to take three kids on extended bike rides. Alison has been reading a blogger called "Mr. Money Mustache" about having a better life by buying less, and one of his big points is how much better bikes are than cars. She is eager to try it out. (Warning: the MMM blog does include swearing.)

Our first chicken started laying again, so we have about 8 eggs so far. Hopefully the others begin their laying regimen soon, otherwise we will have to sell them and pick up some new younger chickens that will lay (and that is always a bit of a hassle.)

Rea is getting better and better at writing things. Whenever she draws a picture now she captions it. We have dragons and mermaids and sea creatures (sea horses, bottlenose dolphins, etc) taped to the wall with names affixed to each one, and also a picture of "The Elements of Harmony", a magical artifact from My Little Ponies.

Alison mentioned the Easter tree, and the girls wanted it out, so on Saturday we pulled it out. It is just a small pastel tree with birds, eggs, and rabbits hanging on it, but we have been trying to make Easter at least as important as Christmas (since it is when Jesus actually did his work). With that in mind we have decided to hold an Easter egg hunt again. If any of the cousins want to come over they are invited. We are not quite sure when it is going to be yet, but it will be some time around Easter. (Most likely the morning of Saturday March 26 (the day before Easter).)

The kids got some extra-fun time with their grandmas this week. On Tuesday, Grandma Sheila was in town, and she took the kids out for ice cream and to play on the playground in the afternoon, and babysat for our kids, Max, and Petra in the evening while we went to the temple. On Wednesday, Alison and the kids got to go to Grandma Julie's house for the first time in a month. The girls were so excited and happy to go there again.

Alison was also pondering how best to record what the kids work on during Montessori time. She finally came to the conclusion that Instagram was the way to go. So now most days during Montessori time she takes a few pictures of the kids' work and adds captions and posts them to Instagram. If anyone is interested in seeing how school is going, you are welcome to follow alisonpbrown on Instagram. (I have no idea how to do that, sorry; try Googling it.)

In other news, Timmy has been loving his dad now more than ever. He regularly goes to the window and wails for Daddy while I am off at work. He also chooses to be held by Daddy instead of Mommy (which makes Mommy very happy.) He does still love Mommy, though; one night at dinner, he climbed in her lap and started giving her a million kisses. We don't know where he learned that... We have an occasional rule that the kids are not allowed to see Mommy and Daddy kiss, so we try to sneak kisses and they try to peek. They think it's hilarious.

Sara loves using Starfall to learn math. She will happily play the games for long periods of time, and some of it seems to be sinking in. She says more math things (like how many people already have food and how many still need it) and has learned vocabulary like halves and quarters. It's very fun to see her learning.


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