The Miracle of the Dollhouse

This week two of my games were announced to be ION Award finalists. Last year I had two finalists as well, however neither of them went on to win the competition. Perhaps this year I will have better luck.

In order to prepare for the presentation of my games, I am hosting the first ever ION Award finalist showcase. I know one of the other finalists personally (he comes to our design meetup), and I have met an other a few times, so I got them to agree to presenting their games to the public as a practice. Anyone is invited, so if you are interested we would love to hear your feedback about our presentations.

I have also been really enjoying preparing for SaltCon proper. I always love participating in the math trade, and enjoy planning how I am going to be spending my time during the convention. This year the Sandy Board Game Design meetup group is going to be meeting at SaltCon to do some play-testing, and I am also presenting a game at prototype alley.

Timmy started "reading" this week (and by reading I mean grabbing anything with words on it and then making various letter sounds, such as "Ah, Ee, Buh").

All three kids went to the dentist on Wednesday. None had cavities, and things went well. The kids were all very good and they all got checked up on at the same time, in one big room. Alison really likes this dentist's office; it has a very cool woodland scene mural in the waiting room and the dentist and hygienists were very good with kids.

Sara has been praying for a dollhouse in her prayers recently (for the last 3 months about). On Monday Alison and the kids went to do first of the month grocery shopping, and a grandpa man came by and complimented Alison on the kids. Alison was getting bulk fruit and nuts, so she didn't really watch what was happening, however after the man left Rea told Alison that the man had given her something.

It was a $20 bill. The girls decided that they would spend it on a big doll house (like grandma Julie has). Alison warned them that such houses cost over $100, but said that they could go to the DI and look. When they were there they found one that was almost identical to the one that grandma Julie has. It even came with a few dollhouse people and pieces of furniture.

As they were checking out, a grandma lady asked Alison if they wanted some dolls and furnishings for the house, and offered to give them her collection. We all went by to pick them up in the evening, and thanked them a lot. Obviously our kids are living righteously, because divine intervention was obviously the thing that got them their dollhouse.

There were high winds this week, so Alison and the kids did not get outside as much, but Montessori time is still going well. Alison introduced land form work, where the kids make islands and lakes and bays out of clay and water in pans. This has led to an interest in pottery with our battery-powered DI pottery wheel. Rea has been experimenting with throwing pots and drying them on our heat vents. None of them has turned out well yet, but she keeps trying. Maybe come summer we'll build her a small kiln to fire things properly, if her interest continues.


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