Orange-marmelade oranges

This week has been much less busy. We didn't have plans most evenings and, although Alison and the kids met Grandma Julie and Cousin Ellie at City Creek and the zoo on Monday and Tuesday, Timmy was sick with a cold for the second half of the week so not much happened.

Timmy points to anyone with a beard and says "Ho, Ho, Ho!" meaning Santa Claus. This is ironic when it's actually a picture of Jesus. His speaking is improving every day. He now makes 2 word sentences. He also says "Daddy" instead of "Dada" Hurray!

On Friday we were invited to a Financial Fitness class with some other couples in our neighborhood. We are more financially fit than many people, but we still got some good advice and enjoyed the time with friends. We are slowly working through the homework, which is very detailed and takes a while but has some good discussion questions.

Mike has been spending a decent amount of time preparing for his Ion Award presentations. This next week he will give a practice presentation at the Sandy board game design group meetup. Anyone that is interested is invited.

Saturday we did makeovers for the girls. We started by putting cucumbers and mud on their faces, and giving them a foot bath, and next they put on make up and nail polish and then they got curlers put into their hair. Alison read about rag curlers in some book sometime, and since we don't actually own any curlers we tried them out. They definitely put some curl into the girls' hair! They looked a little like Cindy Lou Who. Finally, we put on nail polish and called it a successful makeover.

Timmy just wanted to eat the cucumbers.

After the makeovers we went to the home depot and got materials to make a Montessori work called 'knobless cylinders' by cutting up dowels. After that we went out and ate sushi for lunch (as a Valentine's Day thing), and since the place that we usually go was closed we went to a different place. The kids ate and enjoyed sushi for the first time; Sara and Rea devoured the entire "Pink Lady" roll we bought between them, liking it even more than the teryaki chicken and vegetable tempura we'd ordered for them, and Timmy pulled a piece off our plates and ate it with great enjoyment. And the nigiri was the best that I have had in Utah. All in all it was a good $5 for me and my whole family.

The last item of note: Max came over and ate oranges with the girls. He wanted to put sugar on the oranges, but we stopped him. He then started smearing orange marmelade all over the oranges. It was quite a hit with all of the kids. It reminds me of a distant time when Rea invented an orange recipe using a half orange, and a cup of parmesan.


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